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Showing posts from May, 2018


I feel like every mom could write a post about being exhausted. Never enough sleep, constant worrying, always on alert, etc. Being a mom of a kiddo with special needs, seems to have a whole new layer of exhaustion. I am by no means discrediting the exhaustion of every parent. Being a parent is flat out exhausting. But because the only lens of being a parent I have is being the parent of a special needs kiddo, that's what I have to go on. In a "normal" week, Bren has at least two appointments. He either has speech and a weight check or speech and PT. Sometimes, all three of those line up on the same week. Thankfully those are just in a neighboring town and we don't have to drive the hour to Madison. Some weeks you have to throw Madison appointments on to those already standing appointments. Some weeks we have to throw an extra appointment on if Bren becomes sick. Some weeks he has his WCC. Those are just the appointments for Bren. That doesn't include any of my o