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Showing posts from September, 2020

What We Wish You Knew

 Parenting a child with special needs is one of the hardest yet most joyful things I have done. I have loved watching my child overcome milestones and obstacles. It brings me so much joy to watch my child be so proud of himself. The constant need for therapies, the "extras" that have to go with us wherever we go, the uncertainty of what the future holds, and all the times we have heard "we will just have to wait and see"  are some of the hardest parts of this journey.  I asked some of my fellow superhero parents what they wish the world knew about raising a child with special needs and this is what they said:  1. You likely do not realize all the extra things that happen in our day that take up time . There are extra feeding times, equipment to haul around, catheters to change, therapies to do, diapers to change well past the "normal" diaper age, extra dishes, extra food to make, and phone calls and emails to specialists. These are just some of the extra t